Main image
Free Hugo theme


“Freedom makes us better humans, and makes us improve our status as a collective race faster.”

A simple, completely customizable, multilingual Hugo theme thought for professionals and small businesses.

I built this theme with simplicity in mind, it is small and easily customizable, responsive, modular and multilingual. But it also leaves some space to further in-depth customization since it uses Bootstrap and SCSS.

Here there’s the theme github page, to which you should refer if you seek for more details, make sure to star the repo!

Look at what this theme is capable to do on the features page, and see a beautiful contacts page example below.

How to use this theme

Quick start: how to install πŸ“₯

  1. Install hugo extended, follow the official installation guide. For using this theme you DO NOT NEED to execute hugo new site, as you will be cloning an example site in step 2.

  2. Clone the exampleSite and the theme from the repo:git init && git clone -b exampleSite --recurse-submodules <YourSiteName> (change <YourSiteName> in the command with the name you wanna give to your site).

  3. Delete your default config.toml from the root folder of your site; the new configurations will be found in config/_default. The main configuration file is config/_default/config.toml, but most variables are overwritten or defined by the individual language configuration files (eg. config/_default/languages/.en.toml)

  4. Move to your site directory and see the website preview with hugo serve -D

How to update β™»

  • From the root directory of your website run: git submodule update --remote --merge.

How to customize 🎨

  • Use your preferred color palette by modifying the Bootstrap variables in assets/scss/custom-variables.scss.

  • Change the config files in /config/_default and /config/_default/languages adding your own elements to the pages. You can change the page names there as well.

  • Edit the homepage content in content/<language>/pages/_index.html, markdown supported.

  • Edit pages names, slugs and metadescriptions in content/<language>/pages/<page>/index.html.

  • Change the images of the website from the content/<language>/pages/<page>/<image> folders (pages and posts use Page bundles).

  • Add your own favicon, background and default meta-image (the image used in SEO) in assets/img. These files can be of any extension but must have the same name of the ones currently in the example site assets directory.

How to manage posts ✏️

Enable/Disable Blog

Wait, you told me this theme was noob friendly, I don’t wanna deal with all the blog stuff!
I need a simple landing page and all this blog feature is something I don’t care about!

If you don’t need posts you can disable the blog part of the theme entirely from within the config files and just use Magnolia as a simple landing site

  • To disable tags only rendering and indexing for the entire site -> config.toml uncomment #disableKinds = ['taxonomy', 'term'].
  • To disable post and tags rendering and indexing for the entire site -> config.toml uncomment #disableKinds = ['taxonomy', 'term'] and #ignoreFiles= ['posts/*'].

Content organization

The /content folder contains different types of content, the content organization mimicts the site structure.

β”œβ”€β”€ en
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ pages
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ posts
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ profile.webp
β”‚   └── tags
└── it
    β”œβ”€β”€ pages
    β”œβ”€β”€ posts
    β”œβ”€β”€ profile.webp
    └── tags

For each language, you will find yourself in front of the homepage and the image used for the homepage presentation section (profile.webp). The other directories will contain exactly what you expect.

pages= normal website pages (office, services etc). posts= site posts. tags = custom tags.


  • Create a new post with: hugo new --kind post-bundle content/<lang>/posts/<post-name>. This will be its very simple structure:
β”œβ”€β”€ a-poem-about-flowers
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ images
β”‚   β”‚   └── featured.jpg
β”‚   └──
  • Edit the metadata in and add your post content below.

  • Add a post featured image by subsituting the featured.webp placeholder in /images. The featured image has to be called “featured” but can be of any extension. If you wish you can remove the placeholder to have a text-only post.


  1. One option is to automatically create tags by adding them to posts frontmatters.

  2. The second option is to create a new tag with: hugo new --kind tag content/<lang>/tags/<tag-name>. Creating tags this way will allow for a finer manipulation, you can translate tags here by giving the same translationKey in frontmatter in every different language. Hence having your posts sorted the same for each language and have tag pages translations available.

β”œβ”€β”€ flowers
β”‚   └──

For more on content organization refefer to Content organization | Hugo.

Add new languages 🚩

  1. Head to config/_default/languages.
  2. Duplicate one of the language files, change the language tag, name of the file (en, it, fr etc): this should be compliant with RFC 5646. Use the RFC 5646 Language Tags List for a quicker setup.
  3. Translate the variables values inside the .toml file accordingly to the language.
  4. In the /content directory, duplicate one of the language folders and change the name accordingly to your new language as in step 2.
  5. For each of the .html file in /content/pages, you can change title and slug freely. translationKey should remain untouched or should be changed in every language page file. I strongly suggest you to translate the SEO here as well.
  6. For each of the .md files in content/posts/<my-post> translate the content and the frontmatter values you need (eg. summary).

Custom 404 page

To add the custom 404 page and make it work on github pages, you will have to add it manually when building the site executing hugo. This is because github pages looks for a 404 template in the root directory of the project, you can therefore only have one single 404 page for all the languages. To create a symlink to the english 404 version, which will then be used as default 404 once hosting, after running hugo run ln -s public/en/404/index.html public/404.html.

Remunerate my time and energy πŸ’«

Liberapay receiving GitHub Sponsors

Designing this theme and making it available for you took a lot of time and effort.

The MIT license means that you are completely free to do whatevere you want with this theme, even make money from it!

If you wish you can support me in several ways.

Why you should btw?

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They are incredibly beautiful, aren&rsquo;t Them? Well, of course They Are! I wrote this summary by hand, you can do it too in the content/posts/&lt;post-name&gt;/ file! But don&rsquo;t worry, if you don&rsquo;t write a summary yourself, the theme will grab it automagically from the content of the post! And it will include it in SEO too!

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The summary on this page was left empty, so it was grabbed from the first content the theme can find on the page, which is what you are reading right now! A wreathΓ¨d garland of deservΓ¨d praise, Of praise deservΓ¨d, unto Thee I give, I give to Thee, who knowest all my ways, My crooked winding ways, wherein I live,β€” Wherein I die, not live ; for life is straight, Straight as a line, and ever tends to Thee, To Thee, who art more far above deceit, Than deceit seems above simplicity… By George Herbert

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